Australia Food TRAVEL

A taste of travel (Westmead to Canley Vale via India, Lebanon, Egypt China and Vietnam!)

Suffering from itchy feet and slight cabin fever, I jumped on a train and travelled across town to meet my cousin in western Sydney. I’m not familiar with this side of town so it was an occasion to change my cultural outlook without getting on a plane.

We met at Westmead station and having only a few hours to spare, she wizzed around the neighbourhood. It was like a trip around the world. We passed an Indian grocery store, then stopped off at Hilltop Oven Lebanese takeaway for a delicious za’atar pizza and the next door store, where I stocked up on rose and orange blossom water, fig jam, dates and the fluffiest Lebanese bread I’ve ever tasted.

Next we passed some palm trees and appartement blocks that reminded me of Cairo then stopped to say hello to some kangaroos and emus at Central Gardens Merrylands nature reserve. We whipped back to my cousin’s house to sit in the sun in the garden and munch on the pizza and sip awakening chilli and coco tea.

Then we took off to explore Canley Valey, the little sister suburb of Cabramatta. We discovered Tien Hau Temple for a moment for contemplation, browsed a cute, kitsch Chinese deco shop underneath it, then devoured some Bun Bo Xao Vietnamese noodle salads at the flamboyant Hai Au Lang Nuong restaurant (48 Canley Vale Rd).

I then dashed to the station (Carnley Vale), spied the Auburn Gallipoli Mosque from the train (will visit another time) and enjoyed a strawberry Chinese candy for a little sugar hit before getting home to tap dance with 7 year old Imogen, who was delighted that I had met an emu (since we do an emu step that she added to our Pointers Sisters choreography).

A very refreshing day, topped off with a Lebanese cook off with delicious recipes from the Anthony sisters’ fantastic cookbook.

Why not see where you can whip off to without getting on a plane? I highly recommend it.

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