Film Reportage

Screen Australia all revamped and mapping summer

Screen oz manThree of Ruby’s SBS pieces from the Cannes Film Festival 2010 have been featured on the Red Carpet section of Screen Australia’s new revamped Youtube channel: (Screen Australia Welcome Drinks, The Tree interviews and Virgins to Veterans piece).

The revamp, launched last week, has four sections- Vault (archival footage celebrating Australia’s cultural heritage), Behind the Scenes (film and television production as it happens) and Red Carpet (Australians at local and international film festivals and awards – watch out for Ruby’s videos at Cannes Film Festival in May).

Also on the channel is  the Youtube Map My Summer initiative- an encouragement for Australians to pick up their cameras (or phones) to record moments of their summer to share online. 

For this project, Screen Australia has collaborated with Dr George Miller (Mad Max, Babe, Happy Feet) who is mentoring some of the chosen young filmmakers in their participation, and the Sydney Film Festival who will premier a short film made from the collective footage.

“The Australian summer has a special place in our cultural identity and experience,”said Kathleen Drumm, Screen Australia’s Head of Marketing.  “It may be a time of simple pleasures and regeneration, or as we’ve seen, one of extreme natural disasters, bringing grief and loss to many. Sharing our stories through this initiative provides a chance to create a reflection of our collective experience, marking a moment in time in Australian history.”   

YouTube Map My Summer are being accepted online until 31 March. More information here.  


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