
Ruby TV on The Silver Fox

fox radio 69 show logo 3Ruby TV will be featured on American International Radio Show The Silver Fox with an interview with Ruby who is currently in hometown Sydney, Australia.

The Silver Fox is hosted by interviewer Don James who says about the show’s history: “It began three years ago on simple 3-way calling-then uploaded to YouTube. From that point we then went to a short spell with uStreamYV and Talking Shoe Radio. Radio Dentata discovered us and requested our show to be on their radio. I hesitated! Then, early January last year we syndicated-one show per week for 16 weeks. On Friday nights. We also made an extra youtube channel. On facebook we discovered Jackalope Radio-and sent a note to interview one of their night shows hosts. This lead to no interview-BUT a syndication!”

“My goal for the radio shows is to have my shows broadcast throughout Africa-India-Europe-Middle East-South Pacific-Asia-Hungary/Turkey and the Caribbean,” says James. To date his shows have included stars from Italy to New York; Syria to Chicago.

The interview with Ruby is being taped Friday evening central time (Saturday 10am Sydney). The show is being set up for broadcast on Jackalope Monday for Jan.24th. It will also be set up for broadcast on Radio Dentata.  Stay tuned for details. We will also post it on Ruby TV on mp3.   Don James can be found, naturally, on All Night Long with the Fox.

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