
Cannes day 3, 4, 5 and apparently 6!

Have been whipped into the Cannes cyclone and unable to write but am having a desperately needed early night so an update is acheivable. Edited to the first video piece for SBS, holed up in the apartment for a day and a half. I use the term holed up incredibly loosely as have view over the water with the shimmering reflections and boats and cruisers and salty fresh air allowing lucid thoughts and untrapped minds. The piece took longer than expected but got it out and is now on SBS (compression problem that end hopefully fixed up tonight for higher quality image). Exhausted from an all night edit and interviews the next day, called Kitty Hartl trying to organise the interviews with the burlesque girls for the next piece and it’s put off a little as they have been a hit and have been flat out. Fine to put it off then suddenly realise they are leaving the next day at 10 am and it’s midnight. Utterly exhausted but Kitty says she can get probably get us into the Wild Bunch Party and drag self out of visions of sleep to throw on an outfit and make up and taxi to the banleur.

The party is wild and in a huge trasformed gym and the only solution to dropping off to sleep is blue and ginger cocktails and retro dance tracks. David, being resouceful, gets us backstage access to a great dressing room for our 3am interviews with Dirty Martini and Kitten on the keys and Evie Lovelle. For the time the girls who have been doign bck to back events and interviews are so generous it is touching. Kitten even sings Salty Meat girl live for Ruby TV! Stay tuned!

It is now 2300 Monday night and Elise McLeod has arrived to shoot the next stories with me while David is back in Paris finishing the edit of the Tournée piece. Tomorrow is more interviews and derushing of Virgins & Veterans piece for SBS. Good night!

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