EYES WIDE OPEN IN A CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPS (Cairo Confessional- Get Lost Magazine)

It’s 3am. From my 12th floor room at the Four Seasons I can see the Nile snaking past and lights shimmering over the expanse of Cairo. It might be known as a city that’s on the go 24 hours a day, but it appears rather subdued from up here. In fact, I seem to be the only one not sleeping. I wish it was just jet lag so I could bounce about the luxurious suite, coming up with intriguing tales à la Agatha Christie; dive onto the plush bed and into a classic Egyptian film; or kick back with the view. But I’m feeling off.

Read the story in Get Lost magazine.

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Garlic was used in Ancient Egypt for strength, curing wounds and believed prolonging of life. It was buried with the Pharaohs. Garlic’s life-giving properties were associated with a supernatural ability to ward off evil forces.  The Sanskrit word for garlic is mahoushudh, which means panacea, or “cure-all.”

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