Adam Ford’s travel show hits Channel 10

Aussie TV has a brand new travel show on air this week – Network Ten’s Tour the World. Billed as a ‘travel series with a difference’ we decided to find out why, by catching up with host, Ruby TV’s  friend  ADAM FORD.

Adam Ford 07What is Tour the World and what’s so different about it?

Tour the World is a branded travel show, so it has to walk a fine line between being interesting and engaging to watch, while getting a sponsor’s message across. The show is different in that it’s a completely accessible experience for the viewer. Rather than a presenter showing them a few highlights of a destination (as most travel shows do), we wanted to show the viewer how they could do it. We decided to join real Aussie tour groups, and film the whole experience. It’s turned out to be incredibly good fun, and the tour participants take part in the show sharing their experiences. So if the viewer likes what they see on the tour, the types of people travelling, the hotels, transport and activities, they can call up the tour company and book the same experience for themselves.  The tour company will make it all happen. Easy as!

How did you get the show up?

Lots of hard work and persistence! I worked as an actor and presenter for ten years getting my skills in place. I also worked as a travel agent for several years and that’s where the idea came from. There seemed to be a hole in the market when it came to promoting tours. They were seen as a bit daggy. I did a few myself and they were all awesome.  So I pitched the idea to a production company I’d been doing some other work for and got an agreement to film a pilot. Eventually we found our first sponsor – Evergreen Tours, who have been there with us since the beginning. They are amazing.

What can we expect for this season?

Expect a mix of stunning international and domestic destinations – with amazing scenery, great food (I’ll try anything once, including grilled tarantulas and Mopani worms in Zimbabwe!), interesting history, unique shopping experiences, local culture and a lot of laughs along the way. We really do enjoy travelling with the tours, and there have been plenty of practical jokes. Several times we’ve been made to run along behind the bus with our gear after getting back a few minutes late! They just love that one!

Most memorable moment on camera/behind the scenes?

Filming the Edinburgh Military Tattoo. I didn’t expect to enjoy it as much as I did. It’s one of the world’s great pageants. We could all do with a bit more good old fashioned pageantry in our lives. And more bagpipes. And kilts. Extremely practical piece of clothing. But seriously, the tattoo really was just incredible to watch, with a cast of hundreds. Maybe a thousand. I felt very honoured to be allowed on to the performance space to film.

What did you learn about the world and yourself from making this series?

That the world is a small place really. That we really do need to look after it. That you can do anything you put your mind to. That a camera can make people do very strange things. Just pull one out on Edinburgh’s Royal Mile during the Fringe Festival. Wall-to-wall actors who will seriously go to bizarre lengths to get their mug on screen. But that’s OK. I’m an actor myself and I’d do exactly the same thing. And finally – don’t give up. Whatever you do. I came so close to doing that. Boy, did I come close!

Why are you excited about the series?

I’m seriously excited about breaking the travel TV mould. Maybe that’s a bit over the top – how about just putting a little crack in it. Trying something different. We’re a small show, so we can do that. I’m excited about the travel obviously. I love it. I love creating stories around the people and places we visit. And I love having a good laugh at myself along the way!

Tour the World is on Network Ten and Southern Cross Ten, Saturdays at 11am. Until March 29.

Tour the World website HERE

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