
2012 Ruby TV Wrap and Lucky New Year

Photo Cathy Baker & Josh Raymond

It’s been a fun and frenetic year at Ruby TV. Thanks to the disperate team and loyal & new audiences.

A few highlights:

Ruby’s World Teaser Reel up thanks to collaborations with the team at Decade Films.

CANNES film festival– 10 days, 10 reports with regular star team- director Elise Mc Leod and editor Dylan Behan (this time working across the timeline from Sydney) for Screen Australia, SBS and ABC. Highligh being by the Sapphires as they stormed the red carpet and a chance meeting and exclusive itv with John Hillcoat, that aired on ABC breakfast news.

Tap dancing through summer in Barcelona at the Tap On Barcelona festival and  Roxane Butterfly’s Jimmy Slyde Institute‘s Summer Intensive.

Hanging by the pool with Ian Thorpe and getting amongst it with the heavyweights of the entertainment at MIPCOM (photo above) with Bruno Maggiore on camera.

Two exhilirating pre pre trips to Algeria for a feature and a series during which we went on set of Ahamed Rachedi’s next film. Explosive.

And along the way, of course, lots more tap, cabaret and on and off stage burlesque adventures with Monsieur P, The Paris Tap Crew, The Cabaret des Filles de Joie and a bunch of international cabaret & tap stars.

Look forward to more collaborations and programs in 2013, the lucky year!

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Ruby & the Team


Photo Ahamed Rezzak

Ruby TV is brought to you thanks to publisher David Fuller @ Pilote Media


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